Impact On The Ground
Wells Drilled
Latrines Constructed in 5 Rural Primary Schools
People Sensitized Through Theatre Performances
Beneficiaries in Rural Villages
MHM Cabins Constructed to Support Menstrual Hygiene
What Clean Water Means for a Village
Highlights from The Water Fair
A Video Love Letter to Burkina Faso
US Ambassador Sings BARKA’s Praises

BARKA Co-Founders Ina & Esu Anahata present The Mogho Naaba with a Peace Award
“I am the Mossi King representing more than half of the Burkina Faso population. My full support of The BARKA Foundation is based on the social, spiritual, economic, and moral benefit for the people of Burkina. Together we hope to change the world in some small yet significant way for the betterment of all.”
Media Gallery
BARKA has a collection of thousands of incredible photos and is now putting cameras into the hands of high school students in Burkina Faso.
See the beauty, magic, and hard work that makes up the BARKA story.