Donor Profile
In 2011, after Ina and Esu gave a presentation of BARKA’s work at the Bridgton Lakes Region Rotary Club in Maine, Glen Niemy, a lawyer for death row inmates in NY and CA, took Ina’s hand, put a $50 bill in it, and said there was more where that comes from.
He wasn’t kidding.
Glen loves what BARKA is all about, and he gets the whole cultural aspect that we bring into our work on the ground. He likes to say that no one, no matter what their politics are, can argue with bringing clean water to people in need—“it’s inarguable”, which is a real testament coming from a lawyer!
Here’s a brief snapshot of what Glen Niemy has done for BARKA during the past 5 years:
2010: Raised over $3000 in funds for BARKA in 2 marathons
2011: Purchased new uniforms, balls, and shoes for boys and girls soccer teams at one primary school in a rural village and one high school in Fada (Total donation: $600)
2012: Purchased 3 laptops and two tablets to jumpstart a BARKA computer program at a high school in Fada (Total donation: $2000)
2013: Enabled BARKA to provide internet access for Fada’s 3 largest high schools (Total donation: $1200)
2013: Purchased 20 bikes for students who had been walking miles every day to attend school (Total donation: $700)
2013: Glen joined BARKA’s Board of Directors
2013-14: Directed $45,000 to BARKA from a private estate he was managing which wanted funds to go to a worthy charity
2015: Donated funds to support the re-building of the primary school in Dandantiri (total donation: $2000)
2016: An additional $2000 donation plus a pledge for a $500 monthly gift.
2017: Glen continued to donate generously to BARKA, now by supporting girls through BARKA’s Menstrual Hygiene Management program.
He also contributed to the organization’s success in other ways…
2018: Glen joined BARKA’s Board of Directors.
2019: With a $2000 donation, he single-handedly provided the means for BARKA to produce a World Water Day event to engage students in civic engagement, particularly as a way to combate terrorism and the local recruitment efforts jihadists are implementing throughout the eastern region.
Glen says that he receives more from his support than he gives. He wants the people of Burkina to know that Americans care, and he often asks that he receive no personal credit for his donation, simply that we display an American flag.
In Burkina Faso, where the value of a dollar can stretch so far, Glen has shown us all how much a single individual can do.